a calendrical sonnet



high life


as sparkling as any day

in the universe

and then love

a trip to the supermarket


for the vegetables and fruits

and other gizmos

you and I need


beside the swimming pool

and the life

and the fucked-up kids



the high holidays


if a fortunemaker were to graduate

with honors he would want

at the play’s end

another road

another row of corn to plant

and then he would say

into his cookie

I would say the lives of the saints

and others unbelievably said



the day of the bargain


it was a Tuesday it will be recalled

forever after and we’d spoken

but for a few minutes

and you said but darling

and I said but sweetheart

and the day ended as it had begun



high and whining


it came in the forecourt not

a particularly nice

satisfying thing

and went


and when it had gone

I said to myself such as it was

so are we


on Thursdays be it noticed

and Fridays if we recall

the days and numbers

so pliantly received