Puss in Boots

mickle paramours of leaves
vert and Naples
hast thee thou?
rhapsodies all the course way too long
bless me Sirs and me too always Mesdames
altitudinousness altered all my city
trick o’ th’ sun there is the sea etc.
over the wastrels
hast cummerbund truly?

o ratkind singing in the cellar
gentle advertisement
with your gillygaskins round your nilly-noggins
you shall go home

the pouncer of his bouncer made her moan
hast ‘ou nae heard?
and the quarrel was ended

far away from here far away from here far
away from here

the silly girl had a disagreement
yes Sir I would ask you now
with the truth of that
fair on my lips alone it sat

and in the second season
no new characters were added
so much as many new ones were taken away
away push push McGee

and he was there on the spot
frazzled we became it is sport to you
but we get no action out of
this here