Thou found’st me poor at first, and keep’st me so.—Goldsmith
my darling and my friend
writes so and yet
meet me in an hour neigh
I am with thee
in spirit
well I can walk ye round
the block about
for the pincushions you call yet
and see the manciples yawning
at their task
rising very early
and the street dunces
finally gaining access of sleep
and all that rout
from one end to another all
but waking daylong nightsome
and you would not have a stay
to your bosom
nor lollipop to mangle
at your feasts
and wind the clock down slow
‘twill never keep time so
hence away upon it cry
I knew not ye wherefore lie?
come Stentor in cuirass
and a fellow in the State
cry Mulrooney down the street
as Carthage as impetigo
lest his trade be seen in
poetic commodities and he
a tainted surly reprobate in art
cease from spotless poverty at heart
I shall write a letter to the editor
the better still to write me off a creditor
give me t’other Noll who pleasant says
that tohu-bohu starts things off Oyez