Christopher Mulrooney
Of all the fountains
that poets sing,—
Crystal, thermal, or
mineral spring.
Bret Harte
macadamy the precincts of the just horns forward riband walk sugar loaf execution squad foremost soldier boy tea cakes dictionaries turkey shoot stuffing variety show let ‘em
whine foretelling marketplace forlorn horse and cart singular |
toil stand of cactus bally field goal the literary endeavor ambiance coromandel fairy dust somber discourse Noël far be it from me grampus walnut Beachwood torrid zone warbler Bastogne soft shoulder town square padres habiliments repose |
jagged crime kingpins deceit the public stories mayhap and mayhem wrested Belzebub stuck in ye palace scullery maid waterhole wearied staff car Havasu City seventh wonder of the age sousaphone doublet and hose reward the dark city tearaway fountainhead stage struck marching orders |
whippersnapper oxtail soup fortune cookie factory forecourt 14 July the catamite noisemaker argument railway station ceremony strappado signpost music Bakelite composition bonaventure bunkum pachyderm statue bimbo gearbox |
I understand me get gist
you are fuggy doody
you make shortlist
is big day for yoody
what stink was your fist
the official court position having been held
o’er two weeks at most
the boast laid over the town from the parapets
like parakeets at dawn’s green twilight
was this that there was an h’opening
in the firm
and jackanapes were wanted
who should arrive but the high official high
high official’s personal representative
on a commuter plane of private signature
to deal out death and card tricks
death-defying parsnips your idea of entertainment
well somebody’s in the town that to this day boasts a
few lines of verse
by a certain poet who lived there a number of years
the precincts of the just
Rahab of the snows
the horrors of all time would you just say into these
microphones folks
say you Sir say so on your sweet say-so Sessa as Shakespeare says
Sessue sweet Sue and you too Boogaloo
dit-moi lay it on me baby
swing shift the mother into all-high gear go on with
your bad self
give me those pearlies not a
wrinkle anywhere
you had the law and the law’s fun I heard you right
a sovereign cure is bubbly in the bubble bath I’m with
you there
they rise to the surface from far back and deep down below
mere projections of those areas into the night air
might recede twenty or forty percent annually
according to the latest figures it is not recorded
but whistled away it under widebrimmed
certainly certainly as my
friend Alexander would say
has anybody here seen Kelly that is the question indeed
graceless movie studios of the palaceless
eons epochs take my words at the lipstick-mirror angle
and read them back reversed it is the same technology
with an interloper something added how you say
they ply someone things letters etc.
hair mostly the waist at times
and the golden shores of a birthday past or present
subject of many a poetical thought that riband
multiplied in verses down the annals of recorded
woodpeckers at my stand of trees
broken bark in great shifts of color
silver-gray the shimmering city below
blue or red on the Malta hills above a few people
the grove of quite leafy cedars quiet
sugar loaf
the raremost earliest
costliest flower in the spring
yes that one honey in the mead wherewithal in the
gathering of disciples at the master’s feet
and the rubbing with oil by lamplight
costly the saint’s flow of speech to the multitude
execution squad
it rolling in all the aisles like a head on the
playing fields of you know what
that’s what the chain of islands tortures and digs
in the twilight land we have them down in the war
the scags and mites that’s
it tiny little creatures
all the mites go to the wall that’s it for the little
in the chain of command the liquid advertisements
blink red and green bright flash the eyes dazed
then the compact communication sendup
send out
read this now read this will you please read this
it says join hands for a silver jubilee celebration
at 0500 six bells whatever on the afterdeck if you
I have a very cunning announcement to make it blinks
soldier boy
they have scraped the kittens’ leavings for it bye
and the shipment said out in the garden maybe
of this world the Fountain of Youth in the Garden of
but the back end of this twice over I couldn’t stand
that’s the inessential point to overcome and resist
tea cakes
soft and crumbly but architectural
something like what they call chimerical
historical Gingerbread a sort of baroque and rococo
hierarchies of dominion and cultivation in rhythm
like the Greek and Roman orders perfectly cooked up
with a spot of something in a cup to please you
stacks of scholarship books of words
words words says Hamlet to
Polonius what the devil else
have I to read or write with Mallarmé tells Degas
the geological ages like riding a donkey down to the
lowest level
the earliest primæval age of
spoken human utterance writ
turkey shoot
for you must shoot them craftily
you must catch them on the wing
so to speak rising above their station
in guile to pull the wool over
and beguile the time away of
the idol caricatured is a wooden stuff
you may bat it about as you please
give it hell Harry and other political slogans
that sort of thing it is an inanimate object
and cannot speak any more than a lemming can
variety show
a little comedy something out of the songbag
a fresh cat the ascertainment of a line or a lyric
the humble phrase overthrows and undercurrents
the manifesto credence and clear water various and
escapades to your liking and not the spiky boot and
let ‘em
the little budgerigars in the motor home cages
have an opinion to express on the scribes and wits
roaring about on the highways at a cranked-up pitch
and stopping at rest areas to avail themselves of
local services
and be delivered of some gastric explosions in the
name of Art
nothing but biscuits in the pan
and gravy with the trimmings
and the bird and the greens
and the dogs on the porch
in the lateral sunlight of an evening
Bacon’s say who had the golden gift like More
well that had been what custom says did first
arrive unto man after Eden and Eve and so forth
the serpent rustles in dead leaves monkeys howl
because you figured out what’s what in the garden
by-blows on the breezes blow by breezily
that is the unction I’ve received
an endless shaking of bitter leaves
and recoil from anything that’s human
that is the sanforizing I’ve
and the starch in my white collars
horse and cart
we have explained says the professor
speaking for the academic board
the general principles in our report
so that if we are called preposterous
there can be no doubt as to who is what
what is the rose of perspicacity
it is found in capaciousness of thought
such that such that what you dig me
any dew that falls dew rises any
rain that falls is clouded into mist
it is not for the lilies of the field
the blooming gold cup Eschscholtzia
that appeareth and disappeareth
it has its times and its seasons
where is the life of man in that
at all where precisely I ask you
stand of cactus
they have their fruit and flowers
and the flesh is sweet with water
and pricks fine and flaunted for a reason
to multiply attention in the land
to give voice to the heedless
and guard the small birds in their nest
I’ll to my tailors whilst you flit
to get out of your snit in a salon
apricot and green satin ribbons
and as for you ha ha there’s
the car
let’s push off for something out of us
that we can repay in the kindest way
field goal
out where the athletes pat each other’s ass
for good luck while the spectators clap and hoot
and girls with pom-poms on the payroll dance in salute
the baronial diggings of potentates ring to the game
it is a city function “knock it back and give it a
in other uniforms they rest on planks to fish for bass
the literary endeavor
hard-put funded a scribe might venture the same
as any other prospects you know the vistas the
and make another contacts and all befriend the poet
so the name is advertised Jo Shmow
with an exclamation mark
to let the great world know just what is coming
a flavorful blend of motor oil muddy as burnt sienna
bad spit and hysteria fills the air the canyons of the
are where the carrion lies and so the buzzards gather
all day long they have a chaw and talk
and when night comes they crow and settle down to
trickery thievery I’ll have you this know that have
thus to cochineal my albumin come forth there
and let me have a look at this scout of all the rout
I’ll have you there I say look up why bless me it’s
the rogue
whoozis from whatzis what a comical
invention how fares thy Maker?
fairy dust
the tinkers are abroad in the land ‘tis said and lo
how thoroughbreds foal and whinny like sheep prancing
on a Spring day
do they now is that the Kingdom come of it?
why there is some talk some roundabout manner of
horseflesh is it you’d be speaking to me of and sheep
and tinkers
on a fine Spring day abroad in the land well I’ll be
somber discourse
‘tis plain plainer and plainest spoken would ye be
havin’ no place for maister Burns
and his mouse
to hide the devil’s wee peach of a thought in any nook
or cranny
I’ll tell you what I’m after bound to be thinking in
my cups as ‘twere
a belch and a boojum y’are with yer flibbertigibbets
and yer scaffoldings
for hanging a man on the small thread of your thoughts
is all is all
yet it found these carols pleasing and gave us warm
and the back of its hand to heat our hides
so we harrying down the highway lighted
at length upon the sea and all its gallimaufry
rolling barrels in and collecting its change
far be it from me
to get the dander up here in the window of the grange
looking down on up as they say in these parts
and askance at other as the horses ride the landscape
and ladies ride the horses and so forth
there is a lonely shore but for the tribe and the
weary seas
that bobble all the day long dancing with the lights
under great skies that are in them and can be plumbed
to great depths by some and by others a matter of only
the color of this wood but why describe this
fits into my library like the cerebellum
suggested by those nuts hard cracked open
with a you-know-what a character in the Russian ballet
transformed mightily into the rats’ worst enemy
it is the road the avenue up into Hollywood
its heights the Bronson Caves where many a film is
or rather was shot they stand for someplace else
another country planet even battle zone desert
out in the middle of nowhere a bit of mining
torrid zone
plaster of Paris let me have this set on this
armature and whatnot why this is modeling
this is the light captured in refractions middling
down to opaque shadows and the rough luster of patina
all that sort of thing a minute cast of the work in
marble or bronze
on its twig each day to sing
now here now there
amid the bloated blubber
and smiling fat carcasses
with which it has nothing to do
what the hell it was freezing
blasted winter icy and hell
it seemed like a good idea at the time
some Nazi bastard with an ultimatum
all around no way out so nuts
soft shoulder
an incapable campaign for governor
starts with a whistle blown stop
then an address that ain’t Gettysburg
and two more times for good measure
that was what political leisure
town square
the luscious buyers market
dreams buy down the facing
avenues to the outskirts and the thin alfalfa line
mere wisps in the kitchen for decoration mere
sideboard items mere recollections if even that
in the town square with the lamp you could hang
yourself from
two pair of duff trousers and the rest gesticulation
there is a boy’s name in the air between them
gawk stiff limb-lank Hank that was my boy
over the shade of my boy their brows meet
in an overarching stare like the outer reaches of the
above the blue-white sky and the green fields of Earth
the accord down to the last investments
softened the polecats something dreadful
till they might nose around in your lap
with a whirring sound as though there might be
in your tree where the birds keep habitation
red shoulder patches black and the cardinal red
as in the hand of the Lord chestnuts abide
so the rest and repose of a freshet swain
and all the valley to reap upon the morrow
there is the glad tidings and the spark effigies
cling to burning as the old guy vanishes
to the last corpuscle of any human remedy
no resolution is possible to this excruciating wave
on the oscilloscope traced and forgiven not ever
look you says it he even me Mars rock the boat
and so forth mimicking speech without the least effect
crime kingpins
well you might altogether lash my kin as not
liefer than you all had ought to rather be
thus my mésalliance to you
outdoes than by a factor of whereupon
a sliver of hope up my foil touché to the villains
let it be read in my town register publicly
here sends my magician friend streaming
eyesight faces haberdashery all concocted
vere as the French say I’ll tell you vere
over dere the other side of
the room the whiles the trick
is being performed safely in the nimble fingers of the
the public stories
these are the very current matters generally
who’s in who’s out what’s up or down and round the
a very few malingerers toying with old conceptions
what’s the made of green cheese planetoid we trod on
certain legendary stories nothing more or less
mayhap and mayhem
a kitchen buttercupping a
mayonnaise-and-egg sandwich
too true and the walnut gleams of the polished wood
with the slippery surface not too precise if possible
candelabrums and centerpiece of oak leaves and pine
for the Christmas season birth of our Lord in the
here is this place you see and you ring this up
and place your call and answering this place will say
this place will have people who will say has people
who will say this place you see and step out onto the kerb and go inside
go inside and you’re there where there that’s it
you’re there
jolly nice isn’t it don’t you think so bub wait so nice in fact
in fact so nice inside go inside there’s niceness for
you if you like
if she will doing these flies I
can’t don’t you
wonder if she’s doing what these flies all around
buzzing what stench allures them those flies
that distant chapfallen scapegrace not risen
in my estimation not captivating or essentially indeed
on the agenda in the marketplace food for worms to
fish with
stuck in ye palace
that is the conclusion palace conclusions not of the
but then what the hell is of the best
you see it and don’t get their wisecracks
and so back to the wall you survey their princelings
for two pins and a farthing you can have the lot
scullery maid
the viper of the light comes around seven
that’s too early for some far too late for others
drinking like cat’s milk the light in the sink
and bouncing around the great bathchamber
that echoes very easily to the least footfall in bare
a grand thing and some expanse anyway
nothing like the dim outskirts of Gomorrah
a puddle nothing like with a dauber’s guidebook
done up for the plastic views alongside goldfish bowl
and gusset
he had admired this what is this overgrown
bric-a-brac nonsense shelf book of shelves
rack of shelves case of shelves is that what
it was meant to be a case of shelves that’s grand
like the Continental Shelf on the back of the great
staff car
he repines on the mountain road to the staff chalet
the country ain’t not wot
it’s supposed t’be
with a timorous air and something devoid of hope
that political commodity mine host reassures him
after all he says we have the army still
Havasu City
I’m a bold boy I know
so I’m not my son
(even if I were a
nor Joachim my father’s
the tightrope boy
walking to work on a skein of wires
in the sky right portholes
on the sea of life calming him
just a few heights
not negligible hardly in the big leagues however
it’s all relative there
the Samson of the carny
throwing his weight around lifting the show
to the altitude of a few bucks
that’s all
the great showcase that is his show
a flower bouquet in his hand
from nowheresville
seventh wonder of the age
the trollops and the dandies that’s the trope now
she’s a fairy with a magic wand he’s just a queer
over here to polish the curmudgeonly old world
to the gleam of an infant rump you can see yourself in
back to back as in the good old days
I wear the bass trump like a bandolier
a sash sashayed down Fifth Avenue
to the waterfront where I embark
for foreign shores to deliver the goods
a knockout punch to whomever it may be
they hear the angelic choirs accompanied by Marines
doublet and hose
the blanket tearing the blanket in half for a garment
and signal
here upon the ground I wave up the air puffs of smoke
they mean several things a whole discourse
to them as read the signs of things writ large
in what’s a passing fancy passing strange and nothing
monkeyed let us have all the poets
led by a jackanapes up to the cage a young girl
who smiles brushing aside her hair with the back of a
smelly hand
that’ll be fifty cents he says to the woman
holding her other hand presumably cleaner
the dark city
acres and balconies tiered in scavengers’ hedgerows
for the flying ballistics experts to critique as they
ho there goes another one crashing down into the
idiots below
as above so the idiom has it a truism thus and so
the folk legends have the tale to tell the tale
obviously for the pleasant thing it is to be telling
and after to have told what radiance in the seat of
the pants
from squirming in one’s chair with delight and
yes it’s a fairly bankable number in the currency of
it springs off the mountainside like an alpaca
or what’s that Frost has snakes from thawed-out snow
it’s there before you know it fresh as bubbling spurts
can make it
laughing in your face cool refreshing nothing acrid or
and you drink it in tin cups as at a spa recovering
your health
stage struck
one has to written down upon into this scene
subscribe to its values artistically speaking
conform not exactly coexist in a way pleasing to the
who after all has the right in any free country to
walk out
for a gin and a bale of tawdry leaving the cast high
and dry
marching orders
it gives the tramp tramp tramp to say
a malingering officialness
is on the line today
say what’s the front like boys any word of the Hun
the boys what can they tell him likely none
the lingo here is none to speak it only us
and them as disapproves of such an omnibus
Keats they say inscribed a fing
of beau’y
if so he done no more nor less than du’y
while the little darlings all rest for naptime
with the blankets curled up under their noses
and the high granite faces confer above them
visions will dance in their little tiny heads
of roses what they are called and pricks that grow in
oxtail soup
I say waiter there’s a piece of tail in my soup
where did it come from Sir the larder is bare
how do I know where it came from I’m not a maître d’
no no Sir anyone can see
that who’s your tailor anyway
don’t be impudent you turbid ass what about this bit in
my bowl
well Sir if it’s wagging we’ll just see what happens
fortune cookie factory
I want 11,000 by midmorning tea break says the foreman
fingers race across brows like abacus beads
and compute what harmonizes with the bowl of shark fin
and fine carrots in a puffball this is it love says
tarry at the turnstile ere you cross the moon bridge
just the thing to go with tea and sweets and the check
softly the cat burglar siphons up the air
to his rooftop station and gazes down after the loot
in prizes like the grab bag of a sonata with a little
means everything to you and Proust and nothing
next to nothing to the next man pretty baubles
14 July
flowers of rhetoric pounce upon the night sky
extending their fingers long and curving
painted in the colors of the flag
and Carlyle’s seagreen
and maybe nobility has its purple up well up
the catamite noisemaker
had it the rear exhaust could tell the tale
there’s riches in it boy assuredly
here’s your change Sir with a little something
draped between the shoulder blades
loud enough to wake the dead who die in the Lord
have you cuffs on old boy
what you mean cuffs
you know curled ends
I don’t think so have a look
have done that’s why I ask
must have then so what
nothing old man cuffs I mean
they catch the pips I spit out
railway station
so this is where they met and that
that must be the monument to what was
here long ago and what then remembered
best forgotten evidently that was the idea
perhaps it’s a plaint for whatever it was gone
when the regime folded up its tents and stole away
like a thief in the night which it wasn’t anything different
a fellow came up asking for his medal you see
medals was a thing most regular in those years
and after well they went on giving them out as ever
they called me such and so he said my ass is a banana
says you they said he told them taste and see
how look it were this thing it were inside it were this
the tickertape reads in an incessant streamlet
foreboding of anything if this then that surely then
that darling
on a green stream under overhanging boughs to lie
and never be parted twain in two parallel courses
worse luck
the long arm of coincidence here you are going
there and it is a long way off still here is a sign
you have not missed your way and a long way too
along this road that is continuous here and there
conjoined as one like the face you see and what you
it is expressed or cajoled or struck or blown or
or all of these at once in a symphony orchestra made
of several departments
each with a special subsection of its own and a
frightful leader
full of emotive possessive qualities and beaux arts
industrious calm detached and determined of mien the
the Art Deco nacreous stuff not nearly jade or about
that circumference of roundabout style
pliable pliant as any plant not more so you could make
wear it sculptured head electric insulation a famous
plain stuff keeps the paint out river of paint frozen
hold the pose at your service a floating magma of
coloration for you
you’ll never play this town again the figurehead says
the gingerbread cocoon or flaky fairy shortbreads hits
the operating nurse of canine features on the low
bang the figure group physician baby stroller wife in
proceeding southbound south against the current
it still seems glass and pastures in the still-seeming
devoid of vesture like the ancient city road of time
the menacing finger though has writ and having written
points you up out of the roadway here as if you should
the fall of the mighty comfortably situated somehow
let us say the freeholders have this custom
to pipe in music and this wine in cupboardfuls
so it stands on every streetcorner
seeking work
or makework slapping paint
on garden walls anyhow
here is the commentary on the local news the same
the small wee elephant has gross keepers
a fat slut and an overbearing moron
and strives to be very happy as far as possible
knowing nothing and at a loss for height
and ineptitude really for it has a nose to smell out
the statuesque figure why mince words
it does not move and yet it’s moving
the æsthetes say wouldn’t it suffice
for an emblem or a slogan say
a token of our thought upon this subject
the bearded lady standing in front of a house
with a greased palm glinting in the sunlight
here she seems to say’s the payoff
now you’ve seen me take another look go ahead
just stand there staring a penny a throw
tatters in the leading edge of the wind
behind the rubber baby buggy bumpers
racing ahead over the hillocks and down the dales
to the prize the prize with a helpful motor the flag
a grateful crew a backer worthy and to finish you