


Moon axe

Plunge into my marrow


That my cedar

Tomorrow may block the way

Of flaming horses


My blood’s old lions

Vainly call for gazelles

Rotting in my head are

Wormy bones



In my thorax hangs

The strange heart





Consume me, ancient lime

Lixiviate me, new salt

Death is happiness


And though I feed on fish

From the Dead Sea

Gleaming with iodine


In my ulcers

I tend the roses

Of death’s springtide


Seventy barns burnt!

Seven sons moldering!

Height of poverty!


Last olive tree

Out of Asia’s wasteland

Stands my skeleton


Why live I yet so?

Unsure God

You to yourself to prove





Last olive tree, say you?

Yet golden oil

Drops from my branches

That blessing learned


In my eyes’ glass house

Ripens the sun of the tropics


My foot-root’s rammed in marble


Hear ye Israel

I am the ten-loaved tree

I am the fire book

With the burning letters


I am the three-armed candelabrum

Indwelt by sage birds

With the seven-hued glance


Ivan Goll