I’ve come back down
Because I am in Thee, And Thou art in me, Is it really the case, That I am slave and Thou art Master? Thou and I are so much different, Thou art a King, strong and mighty, A light of subtlety in the breezes, A tree spreading loftily over the world. Down here, Thou makest tranquility And I no more am idle. Regarding these shades Thou playest withal, Gladdens and rejoices my heart. Illumined by Thy beams, I go up the steps even unto clouds, My ear the psaltery of heaven hears, A lute plays in my heart. Far below I seem to see e’en yet A blinking light, Champaka-trees laughing call me back, This earthly heart has risen on high, Yet I turn and come back down. |
Amir Hamzah
tr. after Damais