I Someplace Heaven’s shell broke open, And the sun, wounded-like, Fluttered, gold and lava bleeding, Round the yawning Earth. Seas of rose Gleamed in their waves’ Spring, Whispering palms stood, Upon the corals ripened Fruit of stars. Someplace quivered mountains Even in their hardmost glacier, And the very first drop, that got loose, A tear in the valley, Was the very first smile of God. II Trident a-sparkle, Out of silent ocean broke the Word; Darkly shone the ground of Earth in colors. And the spirit’s blue hammers And the angel flutes Rang round enkindled Heaven. On mastered shores of darkness Stood mankind, arrow in forehead, Ruddy mouth Open wide as an arch of triumph: Hither and yon, when it came to them, They would stop the rounding sun on command. III When the hills were married Lilac fountains tumbled valleyward, Trees groaned with world-embracing, And the temples of Spring throbbed. There, from a dark earthen hut, Broke an organ-storm of golden music: Set betwixt Heaven and Earth, Pillars of earthly song, Stood mankind. Out of stone-hard pain, Deep in love’s lap drunken, The splendid were arisen! |
Ivan Goll