To look...
I change... Who flees from me?... Her foliage immobile Overwhelms the tree I look
on... Her thick arms are tired of cradling my sibyls: My silence their voices has
forgone. My soul, if that her hymn were indeed a fountain Which sang her waters one and
all, Is no more than deep water where the stone that’s
distant Marks the tomb of birds that
fall. In the simple bed of sand as fine as cinders Sleep the footsteps I have
lost, And I feel me living under shades descend By their vestiges all tossed. I lose and that distinctly Psyche the sleepwalker In the water’s too pure
veils The calm of which and weather a mere bubble alters Which this tomb to burst
avails. Unto herself, maybe, She speaks and grants a pardon, But ceding to her eyes
close-shut, From me she flees faithful, and, tender, me abandons To my fate inanimate. Unto my heart she leaves her loss without a reason, And this hopeless beating heart Argues with Persephone Eurydice once bitten In her pure breast by the
dart... Somber and dying witness of our tender annals, O sun, like unto our love, The invincible sweetnesses of sea-beaches infernal Call you to shores you can’t
rise above. Autumn, transparency! o solitude amassed Of sadness and of liberty! All is clear to me as soon as it is passed; What is no more becomes
clarity. Whileas I stick fast with my stony gaze Within the hard and settled “Why?”, A darksome tremble only, a mere eyelid’s shade Shakes between myself and I... O what eternity of spontaneous absence Comes all at once to abridge
itself?... A single leaf that falls has divvied up the months With its inconsequential event. Toward me, stay you ardent, foliage feeble and dry, Roll you out your rumor soft, And you, pallid Sun, with your arrows final, Pierce me these times dying
off... Yes, I awake at last, seized with a wind autumnal That raises up a flight red and
triste; So much purple panic in golden trumps astounds me That irritated I exist! |
Paul Valéry