
Brunette still I’ve not had,

I’d have you near unclad

Upon a darkish sofa

In a yellow boudoir,

As in eighteen thirty.


Near unclad not unclad

Across a very cloud

Of lacework revealing

Your flesh where go reeling

My mad two and thirty.


I’d have you hilarious

And very imperious

Naughty and nasty and

Worse in your fashion,

But still so luxurious!


Ah, your black and pink

And moonlight body! Ah, sink

Your elbow on my heart,

And every conquering part,

Every part I adore!


Ah, let your body wink

On my soul at the brink

And stifle it belike,

If that’s what you would like!

And more, and more, and more!


The pair splendid, glorious,

Beautifully furious

As they go to town,

Do my pride right down

Under your buttocks joyous!


Paul Verlaine