The 2nd Best Secret Agent in the Whole Wide World

The pram at the start of the Ralph Thomas version of The 39 Steps has doubled in size and sports a Sten gun...

Antigravitation, the Swedes are working on it, the British offer millions, the Soviets want it rather badly. “Now, my plan needs two specialists, a gynaecologist for the operation, and a Siamese for Vine.”

“They’ll be in London tomorrow.” The turtles of Turtle Diary (dir. John Irvin). “Never mind, Dmitri, just a little while longer and we’ll all have a place in the sun.”

A Russian agent checks into Vine’s hotel, “Vladimir She-hee, Edinburgh, Scotland”. The explication of gravitational waves and Regrav is like the well-known sculpture of an elephant.

Plan Volgograd, “any hero of the Order of Excellence could have done as much.”

A certain Sadistikov with “a small job... supervisor in a slaughterhouse, he loves killing.”

Sublime conclusion on the London docks.

Title song by Cahn & Van Heusen sung by Sammy Davis, Jr.

Bosley Crowther of the New York Times, “a small cup of very tepid melodramatic tea. Halliwell’s Film Guide, “wins no laurels” (as Licensed to Kill).


die Tochter des Satans

The Million Eyes of Su-Muru, upping the scale of Fritz Lang’s Die 1000 Augen des Dr. Mabuse.

“In the war against mankind to achieve our aim, a world of peace and beauty, ruled by women, we have but one weakness, which must be rooted out and destroyed, love.”

The American on vacation. “CIA?” Thus his London counterpart badmintons him, to which the reply is “HMG?”

A Welbeck masterpiece ending on D-Day, D for Dames...

The beautiful Technicolor and Techniscope cinematography is by John von Kotze, the fine score is uncredited.

TV Guide, “lame”.


No. 1 of the Secret Service

“They’ll never get a modern Britain that way.”

Killing, Raping, Arson, Slaughter, and Hits (KRASH), “a diversion.”

Arthur Loveday, maker of playthings, millionaire lunatic.

“Er, the operation is legal nowadays.” All done according to plan.

“Well, at least he had guts.”

“Yes, and they’re all over the deck.”

The targets are “men of wealth and corruption,” for “a clean new world,” the Brothers of Light, Manchester.