The Journal of Captain X
Oh mistress mine—my mistress hath not any
charms more fulsome than any
seas rich with frothy wrath or black moonlight, I mean her soul starts out like a light flashing from a scarred peak to harbour home a mariner nauseated in unhealthy seas longing for her bouncéd wiles along the avenue of starred lights. She knows the old law seduce your husband’s enemies and win favors so I sally her the numb bitch without her knowing it right before his eyes, how do I do it? While she watches him for cues I leave him plenty of clues! Her back-up singers: one is a big blonde with a sleepy head who has been kissed by the wrong men. Chestnut the second with deep, fearful eyes. Strawberry blonde of fire is the last, waiting. Her other friends TV models were kidnapped in Disneyland by creeps who make them walk sexy you know and turn tricks for peanuts. It’s a classy life. There are three classes of poetry in contemporary America― the high-class bumf of London magazines a little Tory nostalgia― the walloping mouthers of beer-drunken Welshmen’s English, not Dylan Thomas not anything― and the harpings of happy housewives. Models have a strange life. Striking beautiful poses set up by queers to bait the jaded. But this knowledge is no secret among women! I assure you. Women, icons or bait, chum! The phrases and lingo you know I know. All suburbs are filled with temporary homes for these waifs until life weds them! Sad, sad. Playboy had charm unveiling beauty, go away kid ya bother me! Noblest vision, the sight of lovers feedeth those in love. The sight of lovers. Brutal pain I linger with the turds on the golf course of threading managers hawking worthless goods so you’ll lie flat among dwarves. Welcome, is it the American Dream, a British payback, out-West bunkum, the Great Harvest & Vintage of the Nations? A simple question. Who sold our love for petty dreams of sacrificial conquests? Who left us out in the cold? Oh! My Uncle’s pimp gets ‘em married feeding the economy keepin’ ‘em out of his hair. The prize prize bull of a typical farm family prettily stepping through the ring like his father before him. Let’s pull the plug, the computer is waiting to calculate my next move. Its goal to fascinate me into artificial insemination. I tire of it, lady, tell me your name or love. It cannot be thou’rt numb, unsired, unbegot or unwished. What human wishes led thee here from infancy to think? Whose human love forswore all comfort at home to make thee a place? No pimp or photog Uncle or sire and no stage mother made thee great, thou art my own. Live among thy wishes, see according to thy lights, desire what you will it is all thine. But can the wench think? Is she not a tool of powers beyond her ken? Will she not fail me, blame Lucifer? I will write of her anyway. Lady in my book you are desire itself, the sum of all happiness and the ink in my pen. When fear turns you against me you shall see what you shall see. Just for a riband. Funeral: he was a great man as far as it went, but then he faltered and fell headlong. I suffer for him, farewell! My friends, is he not ashamed? The dead, dark days, what, frighted with false fire? We did leave home and found fair hostelry along the way, and Inquisition Terror and Infamy. And all this for the putting out of the light we were accused of, to accomplish our murder. A mirror reversed he the blanket of good usage besieging us in our rustic revels, he the pimp, the forswearer, the ignoramus of our true love, the forger of all dalliance dares to counterfeit our visage. The Harrow... Masters why have you sold me for gold coins in the wasted field when I offered you fair work at the harrow not under it? We must all have dirty hands. Elliott Carter who has some idea of our freedom even if he freezes in our paroxysm it is us. He is old, now as in ten years all things have lost their youth. My protector, once. Give him a round, even of applause. His works exist to study. That odd pain of the young dybbuk taking our place in the loins of woman lavishing her charms of lip and thigh on a reduplication of our tormentors in a miniaturised version― oh, oh a counterfeit money scheme is it? A possible definition of film criticism: predetermined tunes wildly forespent against all odds a disaster eliminating knowledge of incapacity and criminal dependence among gentle savages chasing after game vanishing vanishing who tilleth the land hideth in alleys weak as a cat a man of no cloth who readeth book wildly forespent of incapacity against all odds pre-determined tunes. The expensive beautiful fruits line up in jumbled sprinkled piles on the shelves and the Muzak blares “All You Need Is Love” in a jazzy arrangement until your eyes blear and fall out of your head on the shelves in jumbled sprinkled piles, beautiful fruits saving the Sumatran rhino: it’s just like being a kid again wouldn’t Jesus be happy float down like heaven-sent memories the giggling parties of unexorcised haunted youths mimicking your parents around the card table after you’ve gone to bed the last refuge of civilization is Walt Disney you spin backwards every day into senility. And yet you know the truth, don’t you? Kiss my tush the devilishly beautiful young men and women in their time of bloom or rutting season serve as foils for commercials straining to be hour-long. You are held spellbound at what is being done to you. News of the Day: Terry Waite of the Anglican Church emerges from the Hezbollah after six-and-a-half years on November 18th, 1991 into the glare of klieg lights with a face six-and-a-half years innocent of the decline of the West. Useful intelligence: “Nights in White Satin” at the supermarket, held up by a snotty checker a young man with a past of oppression in the barrio. Vanishing vanishing. And criminal dependence. Overture to a comedy! In my heavy black coat among the pink girls braving the cold weather to douse their nipples and fresh loins in the sea dipping and rising not thinking or thinking of far away and the sea grey and green and umbrageous pink with seaweed and avocets. The bottom of the barrel, the spirit of the place is divined through television. The local public television station spends two hours broadcasting a college rock ‘n roll bisexual love story minus a grain of wit or humour but filmed in Godard’s black-and-white. This type of film proliferated in prewar Berlin, the city was guilty of some horrible sin and had to be scourged, recognize the scenario? Everyone has a part to play. I turn the channel on Police Gazettes, mariachi bands and watch five minutes of an hour-long commercial on becoming a landlord. In this sinkhole of intellectual dejection the con man is king. At the beach our self-congratulatory philosophical victory in the scorching sun of years of drought allows us the sweet prize of an inner life for we have no outer here on the plage where all are mad, all are monitored. Magic rules here defending from the sea endowed teenagers creeps and women whose dogs pee. Young I walked this stretch in fog.
Vanished. ... ever-profounder depths... the more I write about simple things a smile and a laugh would require to dissipate their malos aires the more laughable it gets― should I let sleeping dogs lie? I have seen the city destroyed, citadel, this gave me wisdom, I left it for the road not any road but the one giving on to no citadel, computer it was made to annoy me, all that data and no mind, save its creator’s so evident. Lenny Bruce. A dumb Jewish comedian who finds out it’s irrelevant saying anything First Amendment relevant to your ass all of a sudden as if it mattered. The heavy shelling driving you into the past, and you can’t pay your debts because you bought in at such a price into the game in the backroom and you scream louder self-evident truths. And we have Postmodern i.e. stupid TV Guide synopsising The Entertainer as the story of a failure The Long Goodbye man kills wife dick gives lift hood aces dick dick finds writer writer commits suicide dick kills man wife joins body El Sueño de la Razón let the hypocrite cease from his persecutions. Let the stooges and the puppets, the hallucinations cease from their activity. Let the day continue that was begun so well. Alcibiades and Phocion. The former had a dog a very expensive dog whose tail he cut off to give Athens a story about him and leave him alone, the latter found a popular audience once and said “what have I said ill?” What a perversity this is, the Nazihunter so-called Yuppie is a Jew the most anti-Semitic any ghetto’s ever seen. How the hunting of Nazis becomes a Mafia war you explain it, Hollywood. Television in Los Angeles late at night very late Virna Lisi
as Marilyn Monroe getting put away by her satiated mate and Peter Cushing’s blackeyed Nazis thronging underwater in “shock waves,” what does it all mean, I ask you this blistering appraisal of our experience? How I left home the day I bought a record by noone to hear a new piece they all left me I have no quiet but I know where I stand. |