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Humanity was shoeing

Humanity was shoeing the vast infant Progress.




Ancient animals

Ancient animals tupped even as they ran,
Their glans barded with blood and excrement.
Our fathers proudly put on display their members
From the fold of the sheath to the grain of the bag.

In the middle ages for the female, sow or angel,
You needed a fellow with really solid equipment;
Even a Kléber, according to his breeches
Untrue perhaps, can't be dismissed out of hand.

Furthermore man to the proudest mammal is equal;
The enormity of their member stuns us wrongly;
But a sterile hour now has tolled: the equine

And bovine have tightened rein on their ardors, and nobody
Dare nowadays erect his genital pride
In copses where a buffoonish childhood teems.




Lips shut

Seen in Rome.

In Rome within the Sistine Chapel,
Covered over with Christian signs,
There is a scarletcolored casket
Where most ancient noses dry:

Noses of Thebaid ascetics,
Noses of Sangreal canons
In which livid night firmset is,
And the old sepulchral anthems.

Into their aridity mystical
Is introduced each morningtide
Some filthiness schismatical
Ground into a powder fine.




The old woman's old man

To the emperor's peasants!
To the peasants' emperor!
To the son of Mars,
To the glorious 18 March!
On which heaven to Eugénie's womb gave blessing!