With two girls

Every time I received payment

I asked my girl I to dine at a restaurant

And take the air at night

Especially if the weather was fine

We talked together full of love.


When my head and heart were heavy, pockets and belly empty,

I looked up my girl II at home

And we also spoke in love, with love

But not of love

Between gulps of tea and mouthfuls of peanuts.


Having once more received payment

I went to the wedding of my girl I

We shook hands full of love, the celebration also was full of love

Whereas the night was clear and without rain.


Next day I bought two packets of flowers

I scattered upon the ruddy grave of my girl II

And with the rest of the money, I sank down in a movie house

All alone...


If I receive payment for this poem

I’ll ask my girl I and her husband to the films

And perhaps to dinner at a restaurant.

Afterward, with the remaining money, I’ll buy flowers to scatter

on the grave of my girl II

And then at once dive back

Into my solitude...


S.M. Ardan
tr. after Damais