A less than solid house

The site watchman

is a victim of his dedication


For some time the construction method used in an apartment building located on the Rue des Martyrs was thought to be irrational by people in the neighborhood. No roofing was in place while painters and decorators were already at work on the apartments. More scaffolding each day shored up the tottering façade, to the great distress of passersby who were reassured by the site watchman. Sadly, he paid for his optimism with his life, because yesterday, at twelve-thirty, while the workers had gone to lunch, the building collapsed, burying him in its rubble.


A child, found senseless on the site of the disaster, was not long in regaining consciousness. The Lespoir boy, 7 years old, was quickly escorted back to his parents. He was more frightened than hurt. He began by asking for the scooter he had flung himself on from the top of the street. The little boy recounted that a man with a stick had rushed toward him shouting “Look out!” and he had wanted to run away. This was all he was able to remember. The rest is now known. His rescuer, well known to many by the name of Guillaume Apollinaire, might have been around sixty. He won the Labor Medal and the esteem of his peers.


When can we give the key to this mystery? Sought in vain to the present moment are the contractor and the architect of the toppled house, Emotions are running high.


André Breton