Missile to the Moon

Let film camp be decamped, and this surreal little wonder delighted in.

A scientist and two escaped prisoners lift off for the moon, he dies en route, leaving a medallion in the possession of another man who, with his girl, is left to explore the female kingdom of the moon.

The girls seek oxygen to preserve their pressurized existence, surrounded by men of stone. A hole blasted in their quarters ends their pernicious kingdom.

In addition to being a precursor of Lost in Space, the astute spectator will observe that this is a close harbinger of the famous unaired Star Trek pilot, with certain threads pointing to still other episodes. The main style is very much like Star Trek, and the lunar location was also used in the series.


Frankenstein’s Daughter

The two possibilities are, to begin with, induration of a normal girl, this produces a transitory freak with tremendously ugly features.

The other is the classic Frankenstein experiment, with a girl’s head on the assembled body.

The first is tried surreptitiously as a by-product of scientific experiments to prevent disease and prolong life.

The second is conducted by an Ivy League lab assistant, Oliver Frank, Frankenstein, grandson of the doctor, and is somewhat ad hoc (he kills a girl who spurns his advances), but the theory is the resulting monster will be more docile, and indeed it kills the meddling gardener on command, also a police detective.